Sarcasm doesn't become you

Posted by Smokey Stover on December 13, 2005

In Reply to: Sarcasm doesn't become you posted by ESC on December 12, 2005

: : Can somebody explain to me the meaning of the expression "Sarcasm doesn,t become you." I´d really appreciate.
: : Thanks,

: Saying sarcastic things isn't becoming (SUITABLE, FITTING; especially: attractively suitable - Merriam-Webster online). It makes you unattractive or unappealing.

This is one of several ways to use "become." You can also say, "Blue becomes you," meaning you look good in blue, or "Mourning becomes Elektra," because she looks good in mourning. In this case, there may be a mordant twist, since mourning, or wearing mourning dress, rarely shows one at their best. Elektra was destined to mourn; she's really at her most characteristic that way. SS