Bowlegged women

Posted by Smokey Stover on November 18, 2005

In Reply to: Bowlegged women posted by ESC on November 18, 2005

: : : : : What does the phrase "Dont go swimming with Bow legged women" mean.

: : : : The song actually goes "Never go swimmin' with bowlegged women." The "Never" is neccessary for the meter: DA ta ta DA ta ta, etc.

: : : Another version, from the movie Jaws -- Quint: "Here's to swimmin' with bowlegged women."
: : : Bowlegged women would be more...accessible, I would think.

: : Let's just say that bow-legged wimmin have a hard time keeping their knees together - wink, wink, knudge, knudge. RRC

: Exactly.

I, for one, much prefer Bob's version, that's all dactyls. I've never heard the expression, nor can I imagine how it could possibly be based on experience. The way you get bow-legged, other than by your genes, is to ride horses a lot. Can you imagine what an experienced horsewoman is really good at? Yes, staying on the horse. And perhaps even posting. So I imagine such an one would be very good at swimmin', no? Maybe too good?

And how about knudge? What's that? SS