West Wing

Posted by ESC on November 16, 2005

In Reply to: West Wing posted by Buyana on November 16, 2005

: Dear All,

: I think this site and forum is very useful.I am happy to found this site. There is two questions

: 1.What is the meaning of "to send A Raggedy Ann doll with a knife stuck through its throat".
: It was from the TV series "West Wing" as follows:
: from what part of the Holy Scripture do you suppose the Lambs of God drew their Divine inspiration when they sent my 12 year-old granddaughter a Raggedy Ann doll with a knife stuck through its throat?

: 2.And what does the following phrase implify?
: "Seems these theologians down in South America were very excited
: because this little girl from Chile had sliced open a tomato, and the inside flesh
: of this tomato had actually formed a perfect Rosary. The theologians commented that they thought this was a very impressive girl. Annie commented that she thought it was a very impressive tomato."

: Thank you very much.

1. I'm not sure if the Raggedy Ann doll has any significance other than it would represent the granddaughter and was attempt to frighten the child.

2. There have been various instances of people seeing the image of the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus, in various objects. One example was an image in a grilled cheese sandwich. Another example, archives.cnn.com/ 2000/US/03/28/virgin.mary/