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Trouper vs. trooper

Posted by ESC on April 21, 2000

In Reply to: Trouper vs. trooper posted by ESC on April 20, 2000

: : When using the phrase "He's a real tro*per," do you use the word "trooper" or "trouper." They would both seem to make sense in different contexts, but I have an editor who is insisting it's one way only. Any thoughts?
: : Thanks.

: Trooper is a state policeman or cavalry officer. Trouper is taken from troupe, group of performers. I think the phrase "she's a trouper" would be "trouper."

: From the Associated Press Stylebook: troop, troops, troupe -- A troop is a group of people or animals. Troops means several such groups, particularly groups of soldiers. Use troupe only for ensembles of actors, dancers, singers, etc.

I couldn't find the phrase "she/he is a trouper" in any of my references. But I'm sticking with what I said before. I think it's "trouper" as in the show must go on.

I did find another phrase using "trooper." "Swear like a trooper." Like a soldier?

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