If you tolerate this

Posted by Lewis on December 01, 2004

In Reply to: So you're asking on a whim then? posted by Gary on December 01, 2004

: : : : : ...what happened to the conditional clause/tense thread?

: : : : We were teepee. We were wigwam. We were too tense.

: : :
: : : Hackers? I know Gary deals with some of our more esoteric/off topic threads but it's usually when he archives them. Sadly, I wasn't able to find it cached on Google, otherwise I'd have pasted it in. We've lost some good threads to hackers.

: : I hate camping... it's too intense.

: I don't recall that thread but, if it was in the previous list that is now archived, it may have been deleted. I did have to delete some threads in that list that I couldn't repair after a serious hacking incident. If it was in the current list then I may have, rightly or wrongly, judged it to be off-topic and removed it. There are so many that are off-topic that I have to be fairly brutal about such judgements just to minimise the time it takes.

I think it is both OK to get off-topic and also that it is OK to delete them too - sometimes discussions about language divert into discussions about culture. sometimes it is necessary to know the historical setting to understand the origin or proper use of a phrase, but sometimes that historical/cultural discussion can get a bit tangential. I liked the vacuum debate - it was a genuine and frank exchange of views.