Baby and bathwater: Google it

Posted by DH on December 11, 2004

In Reply to: Baby and bathwater posted by Bruce Kahl on December 11, 2004

: : Hi again:

: : Probably this cliche - don't throw the baby out with the bathwater - has already been on the spotlight here, but I simply wonder what origin it has and what the exact meaning is. Can you give an actual example of usage?

: : Thanks,

: : Jose Carlos

Jose--if you use Google,go to Advanced Search and enter ~ in the "exact phrase" box. No doubt you will find thousands of examples--DH

: The origin is from the German. Maybe someone else who I know with a large collection of books can help you.

: From a recent personal use I can state that one of my kids asked me to proof read one of her essays for school.

: After my looking at it and with the resultant cross outs and arrows going all which way, she wanted to trash the whole thing and start all over.

: I told her not to throw out the baby with the the bathwater but to calmly look at what I suggested and mabye incorporate my suggestions into what she already did.

: She did and we all lived happily ever after.