"an unusually good liar"

Posted by Brian from Shawnee on November 13, 2004

In Reply to: "An unusually good liar" posted by Flyguy on November 13, 2004

: : : : : : I read this in an AP story this moring. Someone accused, or at least suspected, of a crime was "...economical with the truth...".

: : : : : : The dateline was London. Is this a fairly common British phrase or is some reporter being cute?

: : : : : From this site:

: : : : : Meaning
: : : : : Conveying an untrue version of events by leaving out the important facts. A euphemism for lying, in short.
: : : : : Origin
: : : : : Recorded from the 18th century, although rarely used. Brought into the contemporary language by the UK Cabinet Secretary, Sir Robert Armstrong, who used the phrase during the Australian 'Spycatcher' trial in 1986.

: : : : A rather pretentious variant was that of the late Minister, Alan Clark, who used the phrase, 'economical with the actualité' to mean the same thing.

: : : : DFG

: : :
: : : Democratic Senator Bob Kerrey ...."Clinton's an unusually good liar. Unusually good. Do you realize that?" I guess it goes with the political territory.

: : I think we can add "Flyguy" to the relatively short list of Republican contributors to this site. SS

: Oh dear. I'm to be branded with the scarlet "R".

Smokey! You guys are keeping a list? But that's our job! Oh well, just spell my name right.