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Posted by David FG on September 05, 2004

In Reply to: Vista posted by Bruce Kahl on September 05, 2004

: : Can anyone tell me what "vista'" mean besides"
: : Abbreviation of Volunteers in Service to America"
: : ?
: : thanks

: It means a view or a sight and is from the language of the Ancient Romans.
: From "video" which means "to see".

: Thanks for reminding me of VISTA, an organization that was like a local Peace Corps.
: I was very active in that org way back a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.
: I ventured into homes in NYC and taught reading and basic math skills to very very deprived children.
: Terrific organization.

Which reminds me of a question which has always puzzled me. Why is the common abbreviation of Mathematics 'math' in the US and 'maths' in the UK? I try to be tolerant, but I can't help finding the US usage irritating on the ear. Sorry, I don't wish to offend any US readers, and I am certain that they would find many of my turns of phrase immensely annoying!

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