Left holding the bag

Posted by Smokey Stover on May 16, 2004

In Reply to: Left holding the bag posted by Smokey Stover on May 16, 2004

: : Hi. Can you please help me figure out what this means and how it originated? Thank you - Sax

: Use the search box. Enter "Holding the bag 1266html" or the same 1252 html. Look for the entry naming Charles Earle Funk's Heavens to Betsy! and Other Curious Sayings, referring to the snipe hunt. Funk errs in one particular. He says there is no such thing as a snipe. This is incorrect. Look at any guide to birds, or at least any guide to North American birds, and you will find a picture and a description of the snipe. It is a shy bird with cryptic coloring, and is not easily located. I assume there must be British snipes as well, but it probably doesn't matter. SS

Typo alert! The previous message should have said 1262 html instead of 1252 html. Mea culpa! SS