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Elegant simplicity

Posted by Ward on January 06, 2004

In Reply to: Elegant simplicity posted by Ward Fredericks on January 06, 2004

: : The following was posted on my school message board - we were having a discussion about 'English as she is spoke'! I thought I should share the offering.



: : Three little words we often see,
: : An ARTICLE a, an and the.

: : NOUN's the name of anything,
: : As school or garden, hoop or string.

: : ADJECTIVES tell the kind of noun,
: : As great, small, pretty, white or brown.

: : Instead of nouns the PRONOUNS stand,
: : John's head, his face, my arm, your hand.

: : VERBS tell of something being done,
: : To read, write, count, sing, jump or run.

: : How things are done, the ADVERBS tell,
: : As slowly, quickly, ill or well.

: : A PREPOSITION stands before
: : A noun, as in or through a door.

: : CONJUNCTIONS join the nouns together,
: : As men and children, wind and weather.

: : The INTERJECTION shows surprise,
: : As Oh, how pretty! Ah how wise!

: : The whole are called 'nine parts of speech',
: : Which reading, writing, speaking, teach.

: ::::: We have inherited a wonderfully elegant tool in this language. In a recent communication to a member of the PF, we compared the 'open system' that is English to the other European languages which have different structures. This language invites new concepts, new uses for words and is a language that supports and promotes invention and progres.
: As those who guard other languages attempt to keep their language 'pure' they fall behind in technology and the ability to progress intellectually and give names to the thoughts it takes to expand imagination and consciousness.
: English is difficult because of this very openness and the wide ranging nature of its scope. Phrases are shorthand for all of us, and how very effective --- if maddening to non native speakers.

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