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Sizzle meaning?

Posted by James Briggs on April 05, 2003

In Reply to: Sizzle meaning? posted by TheFallen on April 04, 2003

: : Please, could you tell me what's the meaning of this movie title? Action takes place in Paris

: "Paris - When It Sizzles" (1964, starring William Holden & Audrey Hepburn).

: Its a remarkably stupid movie title, really. To sizzle is an onomatopoeic word meaning literally to be frying - sausages sizzle as you cook them. Figuratively, you could talk about a plot sizzling when it's full of excitement or tension, or a relationship sizzling when it's full of passion, or someone sizzling with anger. I suppose that is what whoever came up with the movie title wanted to convey.

I always thought it referred to the summer temperatures that can be quite high in Paris. However, I can't recall the season of the year in which the film was set.

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