Lesson plans - proverbs & idioms

Posted by ESC on October 27, 2002

In Reply to: Teaching Cliches...? posted by ESC on October 27, 2002

: :
: : : First you have to decide what you are going to teach. What is the goal of the lesson? Then decide how to accomplish that goal. I am going to e-mail you some information that may help to get you started.:

: : I know that I have to teach what they are, and give examples. I have that set. But the rest is up to us. How would you teach cliches?! thank you very much.

: I am sending you some information. I would convey to the students what cliches are. The different types, etc. Then, if you have time, have them come up with some cliches and research their origins/meanings, etc. Or have them illustrate a cliche. What I have found to be interesting is that many of these sayings are so old. Another thing is that so many are either from the Bible, Shakespeare or from our nautical past. That's about all I know. You might try googling "lesson plans" and cliches.

I couldn't find a lesson plan for "cliches." But you might be able to adapt one of these plans: