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Goat Roper

Posted by Marian on April 20, 2002

In Reply to: Goat Roper posted by Word Camel on April 17, 2002

: : : : I recently heard several times the phrase "this is a goat rope" - The context of the phrase meant a big screw-up or huge mistake. Nobody seemed to know where this phrase came from etc. It was used in a military field setting int eh same sentence as FUBAR etc., but I'm not sure if it is military in origin - Anyone know?

: : : This is US military slang meaning a chaotic or out-of-control situation ... similar to "cluster f***" or "dog f***"/"pooch screw" or "SNAFU". The basic form is "goat f***" in the sense of "a goat-f****** event", thence "goat rape" and the euphemistic "goat rope". The participants in a "goat f***" are pictured as engaged in useless pointless activities (such as copulation with animals) rather than in purposeful activity, I suppose.

: : My husband isn't familiar with "goat rope," but he says that in the U.S. Navy he heard "goat roping," meaning an insignificant event, as in "I wouldn't wear that to a goat roping."

: I don't know if it's connected, but "goat roper" was a term of abuse used in Ft.Worth, Texas when I was growing up. It was used to describe someone who dressed like a cowboy, but was essentially a suburban person who wouldn't know one end of a horse from another - rather like Garth Brooks.

That's interesting. Where I come from (Iowa) such a person would be referred to as being "all hat and no cattle."

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