Ol'blit--Help, a difficult word!

Posted by Bruce Kahl on October 25, 2001

In Reply to: Ol'blit--Help, a difficult word! posted by Elith Chen on October 25, 2001

: This is what I read:

: The heart of the ID3DXSprite interface is the Draw() function, which provides all the functionality to do a good ol' blit.

: Can anybody tell me what ol'blit means here? Thank you!

"A good ol' blit" is computer graphics geek-speak for a BitBlt function or a "bit-block line-transfer". This is foreign language time, folks!

What this means is that when you play your favorite computer game, whether it is Solitaire or Quake3, the ability of your monitor to display the same image evertime you hit the "enter" key is the result of a "A good ol' blit".

Cant sleep? Print this out:

"The BitBlt function provides the ability to copy a block of pixels from one location to another. Some printers do not support all of the possible raster operations (ROPs), and printers are not required to blt from the page. The only blt functionality that GDI needs for simulations is the ability to blt with the SRCCOPY ROP from a memory bitmap to the device surface or to another bitmap, and vice versa. Applications use this driver function by calling BitBlt or PatBlt, and GDI uses it for simulating stretched blts, rectangular fills, and some DIB functions."